Hey guys ^-^
Thank you DtK for making my gaming experience over these year's enjoyable. I'll be stepping down from my admin position after almost 3 awesome year's. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities, memories and friendship's that were created here in the DtK community.
I no longer have the time to maintain my admin duties due to real life commitments and it would be unfair to the TTT team to have an SA who is inactive. I'm simply far too busy with work and uni and my I've gotta prioritise my own life as well as time with my new puppy. (I know a lot of you guys are probably sick of me talking about him but he is the cutest thing in the world in my eyes. I'll post some pictures of him soon xD)
It has been a pleasure meeting you guys so here is my little list of shoutouts:
Squall- Thank you for managing the whole of DtK and for giving me the opportunity to become a JA and an SA of TTT. I have enjoyed working alongside with you. love you & thank you for everything <33
Krez- You are one of the first people I go to whenever I need help. Thank you for putting up with me and for the help, I appreciate it
PigSy- You are also one of my go-to's whenever I am ever in need of assistance. You are one of the most kind and warming people I have met, thank you PigSy <33
Cuffeh- Thank you for managing the forums and for creating a display pic for me back in 2018
Delta- Thank you for the Sourceban's help back in 2018 when you know who got me banned hahaha
Ajay- Thank you for helping me with the TTT events and for letting me constantly rdm you during testing hahaha. Good times Ajay
Icey- Say hi to your mum for me aye
Krusty- Thank you for making my Zombie's experience fun. You've done an amazing job with the server
Matt- *radio emoji*
Frendy- Happy Birthdayyy Frenddaayy !!
Cha$e- It was nice to meet and admin with you on TTT
Nospro- Hope you're well wherever you are haha
Life- You still owe me socks btw..
Jasper- Miss you![]()
Becca- Thanks for making my CSS experience fun. Hope you're well Becca!
Psycho- Thank you for making my CSS experience fun Mr Knife King :P
JubJub- I love you Jub <33
Pyra- Big forehead, megamind lookin' ass... miss you ugly
To my former and present admin buddies from 2018-2021: It was a pleasure meeting and adminning TTT alongside you all
Ham- I love you ham
Boarding- my forever minecraft gf...
Matthew- see you on League one day once you stop being a dog
Potassium- Remember the time the cart kidnapped you on golf? deadasss laugh crying
Acid- Ashiddd
Sbeveda- chimkn
Beavr- Shepparton cow mover
Pino- Twirly whirly's
Pass- Kevviinnnn.N
Vlad- Cyka blyat
Coloured- I enjoy bullying youCaboose for life
Goose- Thank you for making my Bhop experience fun![]()
Jenny- Love you foreverrr <333
Orange & Hydruss- Thank you guys for letting me help out on CSS Multimodes
Promo- You kinda ugss.. ily bitch
Jumbo- owo yummmboo ^-^
Shark- My fellow hori New Zealander... churr cuzzz
Bytez- Was nice meeting youHope you're well
Minty- Jackbox partaay and overcooked when??
Kal- divorce pls
Bazzah- Thank you for introducing me to DtK <33 miss u heaps
Kei- You're my human meat shield whenever Matthew yells at us when we game hahaha
Ben- Was nice meeting you, hope all is well
Esky- esskkkyyy
Acer- Yasss sissterrr
FTS- We bully Coloured together haha
Mittens- Hope you're well! miss you
XXXTent-"Daddy, chill..."
Conkley- I will never forget you![]()
Madas- Maadddassss
Jimmy- jombbyyy <33 You're my all time fav TTT player
Argen- ello
Tgun- where r u
Gooch- you dumb fkn bitchhhh, love yaaa hoe
ps; sorry if I forgot to give you a shoutout
Hopefully I'm able to pop on DtK server's every now and then. But for now, I'll be joining previous TTT admins such as JubJub <33 in the retirement village haha
Thank you Squall and DtK again!! <333
Cindy <3